A platform designed to help you navigate, simplify, and support your business.
Traffic + Keywords + Social
Get real time metrics on your website, your business listing and your social! Then let us design a custom tailored success roadmap. Use the the LIVE trainings and recorded modules to accelerate your success faster than ever.
LIVE Weekly Training
The technology powering our new dashboard allows us to monitor industry trends, member needs, and successful strategies. We will bring these to your door step in our weekly training event. Every event is organized in a monthly calendar front and center on your dashboard.

200+ Videos & Downloads
Anyone can give you analytics on your site and your traffic. What makes The Boutique Hub membership different is the hundreds of training resources at your finger tips. Take the data you collect in the Metric Module and learn how to put it into action.

7500+ Retail Store Owners
NEVER BUILD ALONE! With over 7500 members in the boutique hub you will always have someone to celebrate with, to cry with, and to lean on when times get tough. This a place for growth-minded owners to strategize, support, and collaborate.

Take Control Of Your Boutique
The all new Boutique Hub membership allows you to combine the insight of custom tailored analytics with the knowledge gained from expert lead modules and the support of 7600+ fellow boutique owners.
Annual Membership
Per Month
Analytics & Recommendations
For the first time we are able to give you real time analytics associated with your boutiques website. We can let you know how you are doing on SEO, Usability, and Social Media. Then we can make recommendations based on that data.
Weekly LIVE Training
Our economy is ever changing. The retail industry is evolving faster than ever. In order to keep each and everyone of you on the cutting edge we will be hosting 4 LIVE training events each and every month with expertly guided training.
250+ Training Modules
This is our 10th year helping boutique owners succeed. Through those 10 years we have generated a ton of resources that are just as valuable today as the day they were created. 250+ trainings, tips, and videos are organized into our all new dashboard.
Done For Your Social Graphics
We know you are busy. You wear so many hats and take on so many different roles in your business. In those times, it can seem like a chore to get up your daily social post. Don't worry we've got you. We have curated thousands of social posts that are ready to go at a moments notice.
Exclusive Partner Discounts
Starting a business is expensive and finding trusted partners is even harder. We have gathered the best of the best and pre-negotiated deals for you inside our service provider and our discount directory.
Seasonal Trend Report
Knowing what clothes will sell fast like predicting the future. Every season the team at The Boutique Hub masterminds with all the industry leaders to find out what is going to be hot and passes that information on to you.
Facebook Group Access
Community, support, camaraderie, and a never ending flow of fresh ideas is what our 15+ Facebook groups are all about. You get access to every one of them once you join.
Hubventory Access + Savings
Ready to buy from trusted wholesalers? Ready to get a discount on each and every item you purchase. We created Hubventory for our members so that they would have an exclusive online marketplace to purchase quality goods from trusted wholesalers.
Monthly Membership
Per Month
Analytics & Recommendations
For the first time we are able to give you real time analytics associated with your boutiques website. We can let you know how you are doing on SEO, Usability, and Social Media. Then we can make recommendations based on that data.
Weekly LIVE Training
Our economy is ever changing. The retail industry is evolving faster than ever. In order to keep each and everyone of you on the cutting edge we will be hosting 4 LIVE training events each and every month with expertly guided training.
250+ Training Modules
This is our 10th year helping boutique owners succeed. Through those 10 years we have generated a ton of resources that are just as valuable today as the day they were created. 250+ trainings, tips, and videos are organized into our all new dashboard.
Done For Your Social Graphics
We know you are busy. You wear so many hats and take on so many different roles in your business. In those times, it can seem like a chore to get up your daily social post. Don't worry we've got you. We have curated thousands of social posts that are ready to go at a moments notice.
Exclusive Partner Discounts
Starting a business is expensive and finding trusted partners is even harder. We have gathered the best of the best and pre-negotiated deals for you inside our service provider and our discount directory.
Seasonal Trend Report
Knowing what clothes will sell fast like predicting the future. Every season the team at The Boutique Hub masterminds with all the industry leaders to find out what is going to be hot and passes that information on to you.
Exclusive Partner Discounts
Starting a business is expensive and finding trusted partners is even harder. We have gathered the best of the best and pre-negotiated deals for you inside our service provider and our discount directory.
Hubventory Access + Savings
Ready to buy from trusted wholesalers? Ready to get a discount on each and every item you purchase. We created Hubventory for our members so that they would have an exclusive online marketplace to purchase quality goods from trusted wholesalers.
Trusted by thousands of happy members
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Never Grow Alone!
Building your online rank and sales is easier than ever!
The chances of your boutique making consistent sales online and attracting new customers through your doors relies on a customers ability to find your business. The chances of someone finding your boutique and your products comes down to SEO, Usability, Performance and